Walkthrough for Stage 1 of D4rkShepherd Introduction Animation
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This video is a walkthrough on how I made the first stage of my introduction animation. It was made easier by the use of an addon by 5 Minutes Blender that generated the flip book like animation. They have link in their video to the addon. Just search for "Flip My Page" in YouTube to find it since I can't put links in the description.
Video Transcription
Dark Shepard here. I want to go over how I made this animation for each stage. The
first one is actually the shortest and I'm going to go over stages 2 and 3 but
this one is actually won't take that long. Stage 2 is a little bit longer and
stage 3 will actually be broken into probably multiple videos because there
are multiple components to that. But how to make this is not super complicated. I